Vitamin B is a water-solvent vitamin. They break down in water and are not put away in the body. Abundance sums are disposed of in pee so should be supplanted each day in our eating routine to give a constant supply.These vitamins offers the body to get vitality from the nourishment we some assistance with eating and aides in longing control, vision, sound skin, solid sensory system and in red platelet formation.B-complex vitamins are not unsafe as the body discharges overabundance levels in pee. 

  • - gives energy 
  • - healthy skin
  • - healthy nervous
  •   system
  • - Red Blood cell
  •   production
      • - breads 
      • - milk,eggs
      • - cereals
      • - meat
      • - Vegetables,
      •    beans and
      •    peas,banana
    • - Beriberi
  • Anemia
- Pellagra

Vitamin B
Vitamin B




- gives vitality 

- solid skin 

- solid apprehensive 


- Red Blood cell 


- breads 

- milk,eggs 

- oats 

- meat 

- Vegetables, 

beans and 


- Beriberi 

- Anemia 

- Pellagra 

B-complex is a compound of eight B vitamins,which incorporates 

1.Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is required for sugar metabolism(required to legitimately utilize starches), to discharge vitality from sustenance and aides in the working of heart, mind, cardiovascular and apprehensive system.It is likewise utilized for keeping up a positive mental attitude,enhancing learning abilities,fighting stress,preventing memory misfortune and Alzheimer's disease.Healthcare suppliers give thiamine shots for a memory issue, liquor withdrawal and trance like state. 

Vitamin B1 cures and anticipates Beriberi. Wellsprings of thiamine incorporates pork, vegetables (dried beans), peanuts, sunflower seeds, entire grains and improved breads and oats. 

Vitamin B 

2.Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) offers the cells some assistance with using oxygen and advance tissue repair. It is critical for body development and red platelet generation and aides in discharging vitality from carbohydrates.Sources of Riboflavin incorporates dairy products,eggs,green verdant vegetables,lean meats,legumes,milk,nuts,breads and cereals.They are frequently braced with riboflavin. Braced means the vitamin has been added to the food.Because riboflavin is demolished by introduction to light, sustenances with riboflavin ought not be put away in glass compartments that are presented to light. 

Insufficiency of riboflavin causes anemia,mouth or lip sores,skin disorders,sore throat,swelling of bodily fluid membranes.Because riboflavin is a water-dissolvable vitamin, extra sums leave the body through the pee. There is no known harming from riboflavin. 

3.Vitamin B3 (niacin and niacinamide ) is utilized to discharge vitality from sugar and to handle alcohol.It comes in 2 fundamental structures, niacin and niacinamide. 

Niacin manages cholestorol and utilized for medications which incorporates dissemination issues, headache migraine, dazedness, and to lessen the runs connected with cholera. Niacin is likewise utilized for forestalling constructive pee drug screens in individuals who take illicit medications. 

Niacinamide is utilized for treating diabetes.It is connected to the skin for treating a skin condition called incendiary skin break out vulgaris. 

Sources: yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans, and oat grains.Deficiency causes pellegra,characterized by dermatitis (irritation of the skin), diarrhea,Irritability,loss of appetite,weakness and dizziness.Excessive Intake might make harm liver and ulcer. 

4.Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)sources incorporates liver, yeast, eggs, vegetables (dried beans), milk and entire grain breads and cereals.It helps in sugar, protein and fat metabolism,Synthesizes hormones and cholesterol.Deficiency of Vitamin B5 incorporates infertility,fatigue and irritability.Excessive Intake might bring about the runs and water maintenance. 

5.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, or pyridoxamine, or pyridoxine hydrochloride) is required for fat, starch, and protein metabolism.Make antibodies and battles against diseases.It makes hemoglobin and keeps (glucose) in ordinary extents. It offers the body some assistance with using amino acids,aids in ordinary cerebrum capacity and for arrangement of red blood cells.Sources incorporates meat, poultry, fish, entire grain and improved breads and oats, vegetables (dried beans), potatoes and bananas.Deficiency causes anemia,dermatitis (aggravation of the skin).Excessive Intake causes deadness and harm to the sensory system. 

6.Vitamin B7 (biotin)sources incorporates yeast, organ meats, milk, egg yolks, nuts, vegetables (dried beans), and entire grains.Aids in sugar, protein and fat metabolism.Deficiency causes need or loss of craving, queasiness and vomiting,inflammation of the tongue,dermatitis (dryness and aggravation of the skin) and melancholy. 

7.Vitamin B9 (folic acid)sources incorporates verdant green vegetables, natural products, dried beans, peas and nuts. Advanced breads, oats and other grain items additionally contain folic corrosive. 

Pregnant ladies who are considering getting to be pregnant or who are pregnant frequently require extra supplementation of folic corrosive. Satisfactory folic corrosive is imperative for pregnant ladies since it has been appeared to keep a few sorts of conception imperfections, including neural tube absconds, for example, spina bifida. Numerous nourishments are presently strengthened with folic corrosive to keep these sorts of genuine conception deformities. 

Folate (folic corrosive) is important for the generation of red platelets and for the union of DNA (which controls heredity and is utilized to manage the cell in its day by day exercises). Folic corrosive additionally assists with tissue development and cell capacity. Moreover, it expands hankering when required and fortifies the arrangement of digestive acids. 

Inadequacy causes sadness and paleness. 

8.Vitamin B12 (different cobalamins; regularly cyanocobalamin in vitamin supplements)found in meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese.It is utilized for memory misfortune, Alzheimer's disease,boosting temperament, vitality, concentration,strengths insusceptible framework and backs off the maturing process. It is additionally utilized for coronary illness, bringing down high homocysteine levels (which might add to coronary illness), male fruitlessness, diabetes, rest issue, gloom, mental clutters, frail bones (osteoporosis), swollen tendons, AIDS, provocative inside sickness, asthma, hypersensitivities, a skin ailment called vitiligo, counteracting cervical and different diseases, and skin contaminations. Lack causes sore tongue,weakness and paleness.

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